Member Societies |
American Chemical Society Division of Analytical Chemistry Member organization of FACSS since 1972 Mission: The promotion of analytical chemistry in all of its aspects; the presentation of programs of papers on analytical chemistry and related fields at national meetings of the Society; cooperation with local sections and regional groups; the organization and sponsorship of symposia on topics of interest to analytical chemists; the development of activities which will promote the growth of analytical chemistry; and the establishment of means for increasing the professional status of and the contacts between analytical chemists. |
AES Electrophoresis Society The AES Electrophoresis Society traces its roots to 1972. Our mission is to advance and promote electric field-mediated separations, manipulations, and related phenomena. Much of the focus is within techniques associated with electrophoresis and electrokinetics which are numerous and include dielectrophoresis, isoelectric focusing, 2-D, SDS PAGE, capillary, free-flow, and classical gel systems. Members include diverse academic, industrial, and government researchers and benefit from a regular newsletter presenting new application foci from the leaders in their field, news for members and access to technical online forums. AES supports scientists and engineers in many fields as well as student members with many opportunities for strong interactions. These include programming, workshops, plenary sessions, and social events at different professional conferences. Executive and board meetings are held annually at SciX. |
![]() | ANACHEM Member organization of FACSS since 1972 The Association of Analytical Chemistry, ANACHEM, is a non-profit organization dedicated to the general welfare and education of analytical chemists and to the advancement of the theory and practice of analytical chemistry as a profession. The concept of an organization to further and to support analytical chemists and chemistry was conceived by a group of twenty Detroit area chemists in 1941. Activities include meetings, annual and monthly, and social events. |
Austrian Society of Analytical Chemistry Member organization of FACSS since 2017 The Austrian Society of Analytical Chemistry (ASAC) was founded as a scientific nonprofit association in 1948 in the city of Graz. In those days, Austria already had an important tradition regarding the advancement of Analytical Sciences and especially Microchemistry. In 1923 the Austrian Chemist Fritz Pregl (1869–1930) was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his work in the field of elemental analysis of microsamples, whereas Friedrich Emich (1860–1940) pioneered to use of optical microscopes to resolve analytical chemical problems. In its founding document ASAC expressed its intention to strengthen the co-operation of scientists from academia and industry as well as to serve as a platform to facilitate networking and training in the broad field of Analytical Sciences. Over the years ASAC has engaged in a range of different activities, such as the repeated organization of the scientifically broad Euroanalysis conference as well as several topical meetings. Furthermore members of ASAC have actively shaped the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the European Chemical Societies (EuChemS) and contributed to the advancement of EURACHEM. As of today ASAC has more than 500 active members with interest in many facets of modern Analytical Sciences. By joining FACSS, ASAC aims to expand its international cooperation network and to further contribute to the global advancement of Analytical Sciences. |
CLIRSPEC: International Society for Clinical Spectroscopy
Member organization since 2017 The International Society for Clinical Spectroscopy (CLIRSPEC) is a non-profit organisation, constituted in 2015. The Society exists to act as a platform for those individuals, teams and organisations wishing to promote the translation of spectroscopy into the clinical environment, for the general benefit of patients; for example, to improve patient diagnosis and prognosis. |
Coblentz Society Member organization of FACSS since 1983 The Coblentz Society is a non-profit organization founded in 1954. Its purpose is to foster the understanding and application of vibrational spectroscopy. |
Council for Near Infrared Spectroscopy Member organization of FACSS since 2013 The Council for Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (CNIRS) is a non-profit organization whose primary objective is to advance and disseminate knowledge and information concerning the art and science of near-infrared spectroscopy and other allied sciences. CNIRS is a technical affiliate of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy (SAS), a member of the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS), and the sponsor of the International Diffuse Reflectance Conference (IDRC, a.k.a. the “Chambersburg Meeting”). |
Infrared and Raman Discussion Group Member organization of FACSS since 2012 The Infrared and Raman Discussion Group formed in 1950, is one of the oldest independent spectroscopy groups in the UK. It is the national organisation which caters for all who are interested in the theory, practice and teaching of infrared and Raman spectroscopy. Members come from industry, government and academic institutions. The group particularly encourages participation by young scientists. Beginning in 2004, a prize in memory of our first two chairmen (Dr. A. E. Martin, 1950-70, and Professor Harry W. Willis 1970-90), was offered for the best presentation by a young spectroscopist (not necessarily a member). A special meeting for the presentations now occurs approximately every 18 months. |
International Society of Automation - Analysis Division Member organization of FACSS since 1972 ISA includes a worldwide network of expert knowledge. ISA brings the best and brightest in the field together into the single largest source of instrumentation, systems, and automation technology and information in the world. |
![]() | North American Society for Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy The North American Society for Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy exists to promote the spread of scientific knowledge, advancing the understanding of laser plasma spectroscopy in North America and around the world. We support conferences, forums, and other educational activities to connect scientists and inform the public of the results and implications of current research in LIBS. NASLIBS is a nonprofit corporation. |
Royal Society of Chemistry, Analytical Science Community Member organization of FACSS since 1989 The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) is a not-for-profit organisation with a thriving international community of over 60,000 members and the professional body for chemists in the UK, with a reputation as an influential champion for the chemical sciences. We are also an internationally renowned publisher of high-quality chemical science research. Our portfolio of analytical chemistry journals features wide coverage across all areas of analytical science, from chemistry and physics to biology and engineering. Our purpose is to help the chemical science community make the world a better place. Our Analytical Science Community (formerly the Analytical Division) brings together members from across industry and academia with scientific and professional interests in analytical science. The Community allows members to stay informed of developments in the field, provides a forum for analytical chemists and scientists to exchange information and ideas, promotes skills and education in analytical chemistry. The Community is led by a Community Council elected from its membership to represent the interests of the analytical sciences community. Visit our webpage to find about the RSC’s Analytical Science Community and its activities. |
Society for Archaeological Sciences Member organization of FACSS since 2019 The Society for Archaeological Sciences, founded in 1977, is a non-profit international association promoting research on and dissemination of scientific knowledge about our human past, studied through the use of a wide range of analytical techniques on archaeological materials. The Society represents a distinguished group of scholars, students, and professionals from around the world and is committed to the stewardship of high ethical and technical standards. Through the SAS Bulletin, the SASnet listserv, and multiple social media channels the Society serves as an international forum to discuss current applications and innovative techniques in archaeological research. The Society also has formal relations with several leading peer-reviewed journals including Journal of Archaeological Science, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Archaeometry, and Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. |
Society for Applied Spectroscopy Member organization of FACSS since 1972 The objective of this Society is to advance and disseminate knowledge and information concerning the art and science of spectroscopy and other allied sciences. Founded in 1958, the Society for Applied Spectroscopy (SAS) is the only professional society dedicated to those interested in all phases of spectroscopy: the science and art of absorption, emission, Raman, mass, and related forms of spectral study for determining the composition and structure of matter. Related primarily to physics, chemistry and other allied sciences, SAS provides many membership benefits including educational programs, conferences, and a monthly journal subscription to Applied Spectroscopy. |
The Spectroscopical Society of Japan Member organization of FACSS since 2012 The Spectroscopical Society of Japan (SPSJ) was founded in 1951 to advance and disseminate knowledge and information related to spectroscopy. SPSJ is only one society focusing on spectroscopy in Asia. SPSJ publishes bimonthly journal "BUNKO KENKYU" (Journal of Spectroscopical Society of Japan) from 1951. It contains review articles, original papers, practical techniques, and lectures. SPSJ has 6 local chapters and 9 divisions on various fields. SPSJ, the local chapters, and the divisions conduct conferences, technical meeting, and seminars. SPSJ collaborates with other domestic and foreign academic societies. |